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My Pet’s 12 New Year Resolutions For 2023

1. I will try to not eat my poop Hooman says it stinks and it’s not that fun when I kiss her. Even though it’s my natural instinct, I can understand how it can be yucky for her. Maybe if she distracts me with something that tastes different, I might just not eat the poop.   2. I shall no longer […]

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Predicts The Top Pet Trends of 2023

We can’t believe it’s almost time to ring in 2023 already. 2022 was a big year for Promi Welt 24— we redesigned our site, recommitted to our ethics and surveyed over 3000 Promi Welt 24 readers to find out their answers to common pet-related questions. But we can’t rest on our 2022 laurels forever, and it’s time to […]

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Benefits of Making Your Pet Famous on Social Media

Every pet owner thinks their dog, cat, ferret, parrot – fill in the blank – is the smartest, funniest, most adorable, and most remarkable creature on Earth. Probably in the entire galaxy. And we’re all right! Not only that, we’re just sure everyone else thinks as much of our pet as we do. Or they […]

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